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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
TOB-CEM +triangles 2
TOBLERONE +triangles 30
TOCCHIO +triangles 7, 40, 42
TODAY MART +triangles 35
TOMBOW +triangles 16
TONZE +triangles 11
TOOBA +triangles & square 30
TOPSUN PLASTIC +triangles 11
TOPSUN capacitor +triangles 9
TORSA +triangles 7
TOTAL +triangles 35, 37, 38
TOTAL +circle & triangles 16
TOURIST +triangles 25
TOWER +tower & triangles 34
TOY TRIANGLE +triangles 35
TPS +oval & triangles 35
TPZI TECHNOLOGY +triangles 9
TRADE ANYWHERE +triangles 9, 16
TRADEDYNAMO +triangles 9
triangles 20
TRAVEL INDIA +triangles 16
triangles 7
TRENDSMITH +triangles 14
TRENT +triangles 12
TRENTO +triangles 12
TREVIRA monofil +triangles 17
TREVIRA spunbond +triangles 24
TRI MAZE +triangles & ribbo 30
TRI VERGENCE +triangles 38
TRIACE +triangles 37
TRIAD SOLUTIONS +triangles 16
TRIANGLE +triangles 12, 18
TRIBERG +triangles 25
TRICONE +triangles 36
TRIDENT +triangles 11
TRIDENT GROUP +triangles 9, 24, 27, 31, 35
TRIDENT group +triangles 39, 41
TRIGON +triangles 42
TRILUX +triangles & square 11
TRIMAX +triangles 23
TRIMAXX +triangles 37
TRIMED LABS +triangles 35
TRIMEX FRANKLIN +triangles 5
TRIMM +triangles 9
TRINE +triangles 16
TRINITY COLLEGE +triangles 16, 35, 41
TRINITY T +triangles 19
TRIO +triangles & circles 17
TRION +triangles 5
TRIUM +triangles 6
TRIUM eco +triangles & line 19
TRK +triangles 25
TRUTHREAD +arrows triangles 9
TRY 'N PLAY +triangles 9, 41
TS TECHSHASTRA +triangles 9
TUF X adhesive +triangles 1
TUFF FLOORING +triangles 35
TULIP connect +triangles 38
TURBO +triangles & horses 19
TURBO TECT +triangles 3
U MAHANT'S +triangles & ova 20
UB +triangles 36
UB +triangles & stripes 41
UBA +triangles 37
UBROSTAR +triangles 5
UD UNI DERITEND +triangles 6
UFORIA +triangles 16
UG ULTRAGOLD +triangles 5
ULSICAINE gel +triangles 5
ULTRA CLEAN +triangles 21
UNICO +triangles 9
UNICON +triangles 7
UNIMARCK +u in triangles 5
UNIQUE +triangles 16
UNITECH +triangles 9
UNITED +triangles 25
UNIVERSAL +triangles 44
UP +triangles 7
UPHAR elaichi +triangles 30
UPPER CREST +triangles arro 25
UPPER DECK +triangles 14, 20, 28
UTAIL +triangles 9, 11
UTTHAN GROUP +triangles 31
V +triangles 1, 17
V +triangles & star 34
triangles 44
V AJANTA ELORA +triangles 35
V MAG +triangles 6, 16
V NEW GUIDE +triangles 12
V PHOENIX +triangles circle 19
V RUHANI +triangles & circl 19
V SP +triangles ovals & arc 25, 35
V SUPERCARE +triangles 21
V SUPERWARE +triangles 7, 11
V TRION comfort +triangles 11, 16, 35
V VACATIONERZ +triangles ar 39
V VALLAR +triangles & arrow 29, 30, 36, 37, 39
V VENUS +triangles 25
V VESTIN +triangles 14
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